An inclusive employer

Glasgow Life is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across the organisation.

Our commitment


We do this by promoting equality, valuing diversity and recognising the importance of dignity at work.

Achieving equality and diversity in our workforce is important to Glasgow Life. It’s not just about complying with the law but it’s also about recognising and valuing each other’s differences and treating one another fairly. Glasgow Life is also committed to diversifying its workforce, and in in turn better reflecting the community which it serves.

Glasgow Life strives to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity and improving the diversity make up of our workforce
  • Raise employees' awareness of equality and diversity and the inclusivity of our organisation

We need to be a great place to work where talented people get opportunities to progress. Everyone in Glasgow Life has a part to play. Why not join us and play your part?

Read out more about our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.



Equality and diversity statistics


Equality statistics at Glasgow Life:

  • Workforce Profile 
  • Recruitment

Workforce Profiles 2023/2024

Workforce Profile - Age at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profile - Disability at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profile - Ethnicity at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profile - Gender (Sex) at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profile - Religion & Belief at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profile - Sexual Orientation at 31 March 2024

Workforce Profiles 2022/2023

Workforce Profile – Disability at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profile – Gender (Sex) at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profile – Ethnicity at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profile – Religion & Belief at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profile – Sexual Orientation at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profile – Age at 31 March 2023

Workforce Profiles 2022/2023

Workforce Profile - Sexual Orientation at 31st September 2022
Workforce Profile - Religion & Belief at 31st September 2022
Workforce Profile - Gender (Sex) at 31st September 2022
Workforce Profile - Ethnicity at 31st September 2022
Workforce Profile - Disability at 31st September 2022

Workforce Profiles 2021/2022 

Workforce Profile – Disability at 31 March 2022
Workforce Profile – Gender at 31 March 2022
Workforce Profile – Ethnicity at 31 March 2022
Workforce Profile – Religion & Belief at 31 March 2022
Workforce Profile – Sexual Orientation at 31 March 2022

Workforce Profiles 2020/2021

Workforce Profile – Disability at 30 September 2020
Workforce Profile – Gender at 30 September 2020
Workforce Profile – Ethnicity at 30 September 2020
Workforce Profile – Religion & Belief at 30 September 2020
Workforce Profile – Sexual Orientation at 30 September 2020

Workforce Profiles 2019/20

Workforce Profile - Disability at 30th September 2019
Workforce Profile - Gender at 30th September 2019
Workforce Profile - Ethnicity at 30th September 2019
Workforce Profile - Religion & Belief at 30th September 2019
Workforce Profile - Sexual Orientation at 30th September 2019

Workforce Profiles 2018/19

Workforce Profile - Disability at 30th September 2018
Workforce Profile - Gender at 30th September 2018
Workforce Profile - Ethnicity at 30th September 2018
Workforce Profile - Religion & Belief at 30th September 2018
Workforce Profile - Sexual Orientation at 30th September 2018

Workforce Profiles 2017/18

Workforce Profile by Disability 30th September 2017​
Workforce Profile by Gender 30th September 2017
Workforce Profile by Ethnicity 30th September 2017
Workforce Profile by Religion & Belief 30th September 2017
Workforce Profile by Sexual Orientation 30th September 2017

Recruitment 2019/20

Recruitment Period Jan - Mar 2019
Recruitment Period Apr- June 2019
Recruitment Period July - Sept 2019

Recruitment 2018/19

Recruitment Period Jan - Mar 2018
Recruitment Period April - June 2018

Recruitment Period July - Sept 2018
Recruitment Period Oct - Dec 2018

Recruitment 2017/18

Recruitment Period Jan - Mar 2017
Recruitment Period Apr- June 2017
Recruitment Period July - Sept 2017
Recruitment Period Oct - Dec 2017


Gender Pay Gap


Glasgow Life is an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2023

Gender Pay Gap Infographic 2023

Gender Pay Gap Infographic 2022

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2022

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2021

Gender Pay Gap Infographic 2021

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2020

Gender Pay Gap Infographic 2020

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2019

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2018

Gender Pay Gap Statement 2017



LGBT initiatives


We want you to bring your whole self to work and to feel confident in knowing that we believe that every part of what makes you who you are is important to us.

An inclusive environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms means you can be yourself and concentrate on what you do best. Breaking down barriers and benefitting from each other’s perspective means we share more so we learn more.

Glasgow Life, as an ALEO of Glasgow City Council, offers its LGBTI+ employees, or indeed anyone with an interest in supporting LGBTI+ colleagues, regular network opportunities to get together and to discuss relevant topics, share their ideas, insights and experiences.



Race equality


At Glasgow Life we are committed to embedding equality across all of the work which we do, both in relation to the services we provide and the staff teams that provide them. We recognise that BAME staff are under-represented in the workplace and are therefore committed to attracting an increase of staff from minority ethnic groups. A focus group exists to address this under-representation.

At Glasgow Life we have a strong focus on recruitment and retention but we also aim to support and encourage more BAME colleagues to develop their careers within Glasgow Life and to let Black Asian Minority Ethnics in the wider community know that Glasgow Life is a great place to work.





If you are disabled, we will empower you to make the most of your abilities and create a work environment that’s accessible to everyone.

Glasgow Life has a demonstrated commitment to being disability confident. We believe there should be no barrier that prevents our people from being a part of our business. This ethos extends to our customer promise regarding the services we deliver throughout the city.

Our efforts have culminated in Glasgow Life’s venues being registered on Euan’s Guide, a disabled access review website that aims to ‘remove the fear of the unknown’ and inspire people to try new places.



Carers recognition


Glasgow Life is engaged with the Carer Positive scheme. The attainment of this award demonstrates Glasgow Life’s ongoing commitment to supporting its staff and in particular those who also find themselves with caring responsibilities in their own personal home life.

Glasgow Life recognises that the balancing of both work and caring responsibilities can be challenging and has therefore implemented many employment policies and initiatives to provide support to those employees who find themselves in such circumstances.



Recruitment of ex-offenders


Read our policy about the recruitment of ex-offenders.




Further information


For more information regarding our equality diversity information or to receive this information in an alternative format, contact:



In this guide