Annual Art Competition

Glasgow Museums Annual Art Competition for children was first established in 1904 and continues to this day.
This year's competition is now open and runs until Tuesday 4th June 2024. Children aged 3-18 are eligible to take part and can visit one of our museum venues to paint or draw their favourite item on display.
Drawings must be done in-situ within one of our museum venues and handed in at the enquiry desk. Remember to collect a label to attach to the back of your entry providing name, age and contact details.
Drawings must be done on paper, sized A2 or smaller. Pastels, pencils or water-based paints can be used, however it's pencil only at the Burrell Collection.
Schools wishing to take part MUST book in advance by contacting our school bookings team:
Winners will be notified late June 2024. We award certificates and medals in each age category. Unfortunately we cannot return non-winning artworks.