Copyright and reproduction

Photography/Drawing/Video Recording
A form to request permission to draw, photograph or make video recordings in Glasgow Museums’ venues for personal use is available from the Enquiries Desks at our museums and must be completed before undertaking any of the above.
Photography for personal use without the use of tripods is usually permitted, but due to the sensitive nature of many of our exhibits, and the possible damaging effects of flash photography, permission must be sought beforehand.
Please note that due to copyright and loan restrictions, photography in exhibitions may not always be permitted.
Commercial Filming
Our venues are frequently used by television and film companies. To make an enquiry, please contact or call 0141 276 9539
Licensing and Reproduction of Images
For enquiries about using images of objects in our collection, please visit our Photo Library or email
Our price list for licensing and custom prints may be found here
Commercial Photography
Commercial photography requests should be addressed to the Photo Library
Call: (+44) (0)141 276 9477
Buying prints or digital images
To buy prints or digital images of objects in our collection, visit our Photo Library