Work Life Balance
Consider your work life balance
Work Life Balance is about introducing flexible working practices so that all employees, can find practical arrangements that allow them to balance and combine their working life and other responsibilities or aspirations.
On 6 April 2024, the Flexible Working (Amendment) Regulations 2023 came into effect to include the following changes:
- Employees have a day one right to request flexible working;
- Allowed two requests per 12-month period;
- Employees no longer need to explain the effect their proposed work pattern will have on the business;
- Managers must consult with employee if request not agreed;
- Outcome required including appeal within 2 months, unless extended by agreement with employee.
The policy is currently under reviewed and as an interim measure the application form has been updated to reflect the above legislation changes. Managers should be mindful of the new legislation changes when considering an application under the Work Like Balance Scheme and if you have any queries, please speak to your HR Business Partner.
You can maintain work-life balance, even while pursuing careers.
WLB Policy & Application Form
Submitting your application
Once you have read the policy, complete the work life balance form and submit it to your line manager.
Additional support for managers