Glasgow's Culture Strategy 2024-2030
View or download Glasgow's new Culture Strategy
Glasgow's new Culture Strategy (2024-2030) will support the future of Glasgow’s cultural sector. It is designed to enable culture to shape and build the future health, prosperity and sustainability of Glasgow and its people.
The strategy was co-created by Glasgow Life in partnership with Glasgow’s Culture Forum through engagement and consultation with the city’s cultural sector. The strategy has four priorities:
- Glasgow’s cultural profile
- Cultural participation
- Creative skills; and
- Sustainability.
Culture is Glasgow’s heart. Making, sharing and enjoying culture is our right: shaping and building the future health, prosperity and sustainability of our world city and its diverse people.
Glasgow's cultural offer
Glasgow hosts some of the most well-known and popular cultural events and festivals in the country

Glasgow’s cultural landscape truly reflects the city’s people and our relationships with the rest of the world. Culture and creativity are valued and invested in, creating a successful, healthy and inclusive Glasgow.
Glasgow confidently shares its distinctive culture with the world and welcomes everyone to share theirs with the city.
These values reflect Glasgow’s identity and in doing so, underpin what is most important to collectively achieve through this culture strategy.
→ Accessible
Creating equitable physical and intellectual
access to our culture
→ Gallus
Boldness and daring in how we provoke,
develop and deliver
→ Experimental
In order to create innovation, learn and grow
→ Creative
Recognising, celebrating and supporting
the diversity of activities, programming and
communities that contribute to our cultural lives
→ Reflective
Listening and reflecting in order to include,
learn, build and retain
→ Brilliant
Celebrating Glasgow’s excellence; proud,
skilled, confident and admired
Glasgow's Culture Strategy 2024 -2030
Culture in the city
World class venues and events throughout the year

Culture in the community
Participation all year round

Image credits
Copyright and image credits below. The culture strategy document attributes the individual images to the photographers. With thanks to all.
Brian Hartley@stillmotionarts; Alan Harvey; DF Concerts; Julie Broadfoot; Julie Howden; Kris Kesiak; Glasgow Life; Ross Brownlee; Craig Foy; Paul Watt; Keith Hunter; Eoin Carey; Paul Devlin