Volunteer in sport

Why volunteer in sport?
The delivery of sport and physical activity relies upon volunteers. We are lucky to have so many fantastic volunteers in Glasgow. They help people to get active.
Being a volunteer is a great way to meet people, to make a difference and enjoy new experiences. Choose from a range of roles and start your volunteer journey today.
Gateway to Volunteering
Start your volunteer journey today with training and support from Glasgow Life. Your Gateway to Volunteering is here.
Coach and Officials Award
Volunteering in Glasgow? Glasgow Life provide funding for volunteers in sport clubs to attend coaching and officials qualifications. Find out more!
Volunteering stories
Find out more about volunteers in Glasgow and the difference they make.

Search volunteer roles in sport
Find the right opportunity for you
Browse available roles to start your volunteer journey. Can't find what you're looking for? Then get in touch and we will help find the right role for you.
Get startedSupport for organisations with volunteers
Glasgow Life Sport is proud to help community sport organisations across the city. Our team support volunteers to find funding and training opportunities.
Below you'll find some tips and best practice. Please get in touch if you need any support.
Best practice guide with hints and tips for recruiting and managing volunteers.
Hints and tips from the national governing body for sport in Scotland.
Search what courses are on offer for volunteers.
Funding support for volunteers and voluntary groups.
Advertise your opportunities
Recruit volunteers for your events or classes.
I would say to others wanting to volunteer, "Go for it!" It's a chance to do something a little bit different, to meet people you wouldn’t meet in your everyday life. The team spirit is great and you get a good feeling of accomplishment.
Contact us

Volunteer with Glasgow Life
If you would like to volunteer outwith sport, Glasgow Life offer other opportunities. We have roles at one-off events and regular volunteering in our cultural programmes. This includes our colleagues in museums, arts and music and libraries and communities.
Find out more