Pay Information
Conditions of Service: Pay & Grading
Glasgow Life Payscales
Pay dates and payroll deadlines

The payroll schedules document below gives information on payroll deadlines and pay dates.
Payroll Input Schedules 2024-25
Payroll Input Schedules 2023-24
Deadlines For Retrospective NSWP Payments 2024-25
Deadlines For Retrospective NSWP Payments 2023-24
April 2024 pay - key processing deadlines
Click on the link below for more information regarding these new deadlines.
Understanding your payslip
What should I do if my pay is wrong?
If you think that you have been paid incorrectly, check your deductions (on the right hand side of your payslip). It is your responsibility to ensure you are being taxed correctly and you can find more information about tax in the FAQ section below.
If the deductions appear to be correct, you should speak to your manager next. There are a number of additional things they can check to see if it explains the situation.
For example:
- Is your work pattern correct on record? See the section on work patterns below and in Related Links for more information.
- Has your claim for additional hours been put through on time? See the section below for more information.
- Has your NSWP (non-core pay) been applied correctly? See Related Links below for more information
- Has an amendment to your contract been submitted on time (e.g. an increase in hours)? If the request to make an amendment to your contract and pay was submitted after the payroll deadline, then it may not have been processed on time for the next pay day. It will be actioned for the following pay day. You will find the payroll deadlines and pay dates in the above section and there is more information about the process for making changes to your pay and contract in the Changes to Pay and Contracts page, which you'll find in Related Links.
If your manager is unable to help after checking the above, they will enquire with Customer and Business Services (CBS) who process our payroll.
Tax Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately, the Human Resources department cannot help you with tax queries. Below is a list of FAQs signposting you to relevant HMRC information. To contact HMRC, please visit their contacts page: HMRC Contacts
In most cases, HMRC will automatically update your tax code when your income changes. They’ll usually get this information from your employer. CBS Payroll send regular updates to HMRC but if you think your tax code hasn't been updated correctly you can inform HMRC yourself of any changes that might affect it: HMRC: Updating your tax code
It's possible that your tax code is wrong. You can check this on the HMRC website:
HMRC: How to check your tax code
Work Patterns
Additional Hours (Overtime)
Additional hours (overtime) should be claimed as follows...
My Portal Users (PU): claims can be made directly through My Portal unless they are over 3 months old, in which case follow the Non-Portal User process.
For guidance on making claims through My Portal, go to the My Portal page in the Related Items.
Non-Portal Users (NPU): complete form and follow the process flow chart below
I didn't receive my additional hours payment, what should I do?
If you're a My Portal User, you should firstly check that you submitted your claim, and that your manager approved it, before the payroll deadline. You can find the payroll deadlines above. If your manager has approved your claim but didn't do it before the payroll deadline, then you will receive your additional hours payment in your next pay.
Please note claims are assigned to your line manager's worklist when submitted. If it isn't approved within 1 calendar week (7 days) then the claim will escalate to the next manager in the hierarchy. If your manager doesn't think they received the claim in their worklist, they should check with their manager to see if the claim has escalated.
If the claim still can't be found in the system, your manager should contact to check where the claim is sitting and request for it to be redirected to the correct approver.
If you're a Non-Portal User you should check with your manager if they authorised and submitted the form to CBS before the payroll deadline. You can find the payroll deadlines above. If it wasn't done before the deadline, you will receive your additional hours payment in your next pay (providing your manager sends the form to CBS as soon as possible).
Pay Changes
The link to Pay & Contract Changes, in Related Items below, will take you to information on how to request changes that affect pay.